Roman Column 7562 by Sherwin-Williams

Roman Column 7562 by Sherwin-Williams Paint Blob
Tap for Samplize Peel & Stick Sample
Roman Column 7562 by Sherwin-Williams

What is the Color Category?

OFF-WHITE – because of its Value of 9.46 and Chroma of 1.02. With a high Value of 9.46 Roman Column is going to bring a certain lightness and brightness to the table. A Chroma of 1.02 it’s at the upper end of the off-white category and that means it has enough oomph to stand up to dim qualities of light and bust through the hazy veil that you often have when your room faces north, for example. 

This color is a good choice if you want more color on the walls than a barely-there, whisper of a color – I’d say this is the next bump up from that.

It does sit on the warmer side of the yellow hue family over near the yellow-red hue family, so when you test it just be aware it could flash peachy or even pink.

I recommend Samplize Peel & Stick samples because they’re real paint.

How do we know what color category? Because we have hue, value, chroma and LRV color notations that describe what colors look like. So, we can easily sort and categorize paint colors:

Value 9.12 to 10.00
Chroma less than 0.55
Value 9.12 to 10.00
Chroma 0.55 to 1.15
Light Near Neutrals
Value 8.12 up to 9.12
Chroma 0.1 to 1.00
Near Neutrals
Value 0.1 up to 8.12
Chroma 0.1 to 1.00
Paint Color DNA Table Preview 2024

Get Hue, Value, Chroma and LRV for Paint Colors

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Roman Column SW 7562 Hue Family

Here’s Roman Column 7562 by Sherwin-Williams in context of its Hue Family neighborhood, 4 Y on The Color Strategist Color Wheel. The pink arrows point to where Roman Column 7562 fits in among the other colors according to its Value 9.46 rounded to 9.50 and Chroma of 1.02 rounded to 1.00.

Hue Family Roman Column SW 7562


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