Color Secrets Unlocked • Vol 1


Until now, the emotional impact of tints, tones, and shades has never been truly revealed. Offering the full color spectrum in Venn diagram style infographics, this book is an at-a-glance guide to connecting specific colors to targeted moods and messages.

Format: Digital Venn Diagrams

Until now, the emotional impact of tints, tones, and shades has never been truly revealed. 
Colorgraphically Speaking™. Offering the full color spectrum in Venn diagram style infographics, this book is an at-a-glance guide to connecting specific colors to targeted moods and messages. Customizing and communicating with color is made easy by illustrating how to connect finer nuances of color to the conscious, subconscious, and unconscious human response.

Many know color is critical to design but find the color selection process complicated and are confused about how to begin. The Seven Keys to Color Psychology graphic guides readers to understand human color sensibilities so they can confidently move forward choosing colors.

Ebook Preview

Color Psychology 101 Ebook

*The Seven Principles based on Carl Jung’s Stages of Color Psychology.

A 300 Word List and Hexadecimal Code Map are included to help maximize the use of the colors featured in the Colorgraphically Speaking™ infographics.  The colors mirror closely the Munsell Color Order System:  Red, Orange, Yellow, Green-Yellow, Green, Blue-Green, Blue, Purple-Blue, Purple, Red-Purple, Magenta, Brown, Pink, Peach, Mint, Aqua, Lavender, Grey, Black, White, Brass, Bronze, Copper, Gold, and Silver.

The Colorgraphically Speaking™ collection is also available for licensing for professional, corporate and educational purposes. Public educators K-12 eligible for free-use licensing. Email for Licensing Agreement terms and conditions. 

Your guide to what colors say for many projects and years to come! Colorgraphically Speaking

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