Is it White or Off-White?
It’s actually a Light Near Neutral because of its Value of 8.98 and Chroma of 0.35. It’s too dark to be considered a color of white or off-white. As a result, it will work well with most colors of white on trim, doors and cabinets. How do we know? Because we have hue, value, chroma and LRV color notations that describe what colors look like. So, we can easily sort and categorize paint colors:
Value 9.12 to 10.00
Chroma less than 0.55
Value 9.12 to 10.00
Chroma 0.55 to 1.15
Light Near Neutrals
Value 8.12 up to 9.12
Chroma 0.1 to 1.00
*These colors are too dark to be considered White/Off-White
Get Hue, Value, Chroma and LRV for Paint Colors
Our Color DNA Table has notations for thousands of colors from major brands including BEHR, Farrow & Ball and Magnolia Home!
Hue Family White Wisp OC-54
In context of its Hue Family neighborhood, 5 GY (Green-Yellow), on The Color Strategist Color Wheel. The pink arrows point to where it fits in among the other colors according to its Value of 8.98 rounded to 9.00 and Chroma of 0.35 rounded to 0.25.
I’m looking for a neutral white exterior paint that will lean toward grey and go well with black metal framed windows, blackish roof too. The house is a small ranch style. I want to give a more contemporary appearance, yet I’d prefer a slightly warmer feel if possible.
Hi Melanie,
Here’s a range I pulled together in The Paint Color DNA Table. Don’t be fooled by the appearance of the colors/chips interior; exterior they show up more white.