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Thunder AF-685 Hue Family
In context of its Hue Family neighborhood, 1 Y, on The Color Strategist Color Wheel. The pink arrows point to where it fits in among the other colors according to its Value 7.35 rounded to 7.38 and Chroma of 0.88 rounded to 0.75.
Color Review for Thunder AF-685
All about Thunder AF-685 from Benjamin Moore.
Thunder belongs to the yellow hue family over near the yellow-red hue family, as you can see on The Color Strategist Color Wheel above.
Colors from this Y to YR hue family neighborhood notoriously shift purple in certain qualities of light. Some people describe it as lavender, some call it a pale plum-brown.
In a balanced quality of light Thunder is going to look like a near neutral warm, mid-tone gray-beige, it could possibly have moments of peachy-pinkish overtones. If you do any research on this color, you will find people quite adamant that it has “no undertones” it’s just a “medium greige”. While others will report that it looks purple. That’s because of its hue family and because it’s a low chroma color. How -or if- it shifts or shows moments of overtones is determined by the light. Which is why I strongly recommend testing. Don’t choose the best lit wall in the whole room and test it in that one spot directly on the wall, you have to move your sample in and out of the shadows.
Samplize peel and stick samples are the perfect color tool to use. Get one for Thunder HERE.