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Once Upon a Time 574 Hue Family
Here’s Once Upon a Time 574 by Benjamin Moore in context of its Hue Family neighborhood, 2 G (Green), on The Color Strategist Color Wheel. The pink arrows point to where Once Upon a Time 574 fits in among the other colors according to its Value 5.15 rounded to 5.12 and Chroma of 8.23 rounded to 8.00.
Once Upon A Time 574 Color Review
All about Once Upon A Time 574 by Benjamin Moore. Feel free to swipe and use the images: paint blob / paint can lid and the Colorography.
Once Upon A Time 547 belongs to the green hue family. It is a saturated, high chroma color.
Once Upon A Time would meet most people’s idea of what a true Kelly Green should look like; because with a hue family notation of 1.94 G, it plots out on the color wheel over near the green-yellow hue family.
Kelly Green, while considered a “true” green, leans more towards green-yellow rather than blue-green.
Whereas true greens that lean towards blue-green colors would be labeled as Emerald Green according to the average observer.