Here’s Nimbus 1465 by Benjamin Moore in context of its Hue Family neighborhood, 4 Y (Yellow), on The Color Strategist Color Wheel. The pink arrows point to where Nimbus 1465 fits in among the other colors according to its Value of 8.00 and Chroma of 0.50.
A color’s appearance is defined by the light and the contents it’s next to in the space. Nimbus under a balanced quality of light is most likely to look like a somewhat warm(ish) neutral gray. And, again, that could change depending on the light and what else is in the room.
You need to get chips and/or samples and test the colors in your room and see what it looks like.
Does this color look more blue or gray or purple compared to Repose Gray? Thanks!
Hi Aggie,
A color’s appearance is defined by the light and the contents it’s next to in the space. Nimbus under a balanced quality of light is most likely to look like a somewhat warm(ish) neutral gray. And, again, that could change depending on the light and what else is in the room.
You need to get chips and/or samples and test the colors in your room and see what it looks like.